Event Brand Name: إنت مفهمتنيش
Event Type: Training workshop
Training Topic: Effective Communication Skills
The Biggest Training Event of the AUC Management Center; where Dr. Amy DeAvegno will discuss the miscommunication problems that we face in our business and social lives in order to overcome them thus decrease problems and losses resulting in our relations with others & performance at workplaces.
#Certificates are from the AUC Management Center.
أضخم حدث تدريبي للجامعة الأمريكية (مركز الإدارة) بالإسكندرية، حيث تناقش د/إيمي ديفينيو من خلال ورشة عمل تدريبية تمتد ليوم كامل، أهم مشاكل التواصل التي نواجهها في العمل، وكذلك حياتنا الإجتماعية، بهدف تقليل المشاكل والخسائر الناجمة عنها في علاقاتنا بالآخرين، وآداءنا في العمل.
#الشهادة معتمدة من الجامعة الأمريكية (مركز الإدارة).ـ
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
•To be able to effectively communicate with a wide range of people
•To understand the different purposes of communication and match the channel accordingly.
•To understand communication in a business environment according to styles and classifications of people
•To understand how to effectively communicate through emails and the telephone.
•To understand the skill of listening, role of body language, perceptions, encoding messages and analyzing the receiver.
Amy DeAvegno
Professor at the American University of Cairo
MBA, International Marketing at St. Johns University
www.ilearn-ptc.com/intro/ startup.php
** Fees:
250 LE till 1/Dec.
275 LE from 2/Dec. till 11 Dec.
* This Event is POWERED by:
(1) I.Learn Management Training |
I.Learn management training, the official partner of the AUC management center in Alexandria. One of the business units of Andalusia Group for Medical Services.
(2) ENACTUS Alexandria University|
Founded in 2008 , Enactus (formally SIFE) Alexandria University ,We are a community of student, academic and business leaders committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better, more sustainable world.
Enactus ALEX has to take its place as the first official student activity at Alexandria University in spreading a professional volunteerism culture between the Alexandrian youth
A mission has been developed to spread that vision, which represented in “Creating meaningful opportunities for learning and exchange among the participants as well as the placement of students and alumni with companies in search of emerging talent”.
Enactus Alexandria University team celebrates winning 5 trophies in SIFE National Competition 2010. These awards reflect their trustworthy overall activities and projects.
*This Event is SPONSORED BY:
(1) Al Salama Hospital.
(2) Yalla Seha Magazine.
Event Type: Training workshop
Training Topic: Effective Communication Skills
The Biggest Training Event of the AUC Management Center; where Dr. Amy DeAvegno will discuss the miscommunication problems that we face in our business and social lives in order to overcome them thus decrease problems and losses resulting in our relations with others & performance at workplaces.
#Certificates are from the AUC Management Center.
أضخم حدث تدريبي للجامعة الأمريكية (مركز الإدارة) بالإسكندرية، حيث تناقش د/إيمي ديفينيو من خلال ورشة عمل تدريبية تمتد ليوم كامل، أهم مشاكل التواصل التي نواجهها في العمل، وكذلك حياتنا الإجتماعية، بهدف تقليل المشاكل والخسائر الناجمة عنها في علاقاتنا بالآخرين، وآداءنا في العمل.
#الشهادة معتمدة من الجامعة الأمريكية (مركز الإدارة).ـ
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
•To be able to effectively communicate with a wide range of people
•To understand the different purposes of communication and match the channel accordingly.
•To understand communication in a business environment according to styles and classifications of people
•To understand how to effectively communicate through emails and the telephone.
•To understand the skill of listening, role of body language, perceptions, encoding messages and analyzing the receiver.
Amy DeAvegno
Professor at the American University of Cairo
MBA, International Marketing at St. Johns University
** Fees:
250 LE till 1/Dec.
275 LE from 2/Dec. till 11 Dec.
* This Event is POWERED by:
(1) I.Learn Management Training |
I.Learn management training, the official partner of the AUC management center in Alexandria. One of the business units of Andalusia Group for Medical Services.
(2) ENACTUS Alexandria University|
Founded in 2008 , Enactus (formally SIFE) Alexandria University ,We are a community of student, academic and business leaders committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better, more sustainable world.
Enactus ALEX has to take its place as the first official student activity at Alexandria University in spreading a professional volunteerism culture between the Alexandrian youth
A mission has been developed to spread that vision, which represented in “Creating meaningful opportunities for learning and exchange among the participants as well as the placement of students and alumni with companies in search of emerging talent”.
Enactus Alexandria University team celebrates winning 5 trophies in SIFE National Competition 2010. These awards reflect their trustworthy overall activities and projects.
*This Event is SPONSORED BY:
(1) Al Salama Hospital.
(2) Yalla Seha Magazine.